
The Portal

We Love Mass Meditation

Susie Beiler ∞ The Creation Temple

Susie Beiler

Divine Intervention Meditation Monday, March 25 at 7:00 UTC / Aktywacja Boskiej Interwencji poniedziałek, 25 marca o godzinie 9:00 w Polsce




Meditation for Taiwan at 2 AM UTC, 6 AM UTC, 10 AM UTC, 2 PM UTC, 6 PM UTC, 10 PM UTC / Medytacja dla Tajwanu co 4 godziny




Daily Flower of Life Meditation every 4 hours at 12 AM (mid-night), 4 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM (noon), 4 PM, 8 PM UTC / Codzienna Medytacja Kwiatu Życia



Daily Buddhic Column Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC / Medytacja Kolumn Buddycznych





Planetary Transmutation Meditation with Susie Beiler Every Sunday at 7pm MST

Begin by focusing on your breath, breathing deeply and easily through the belly. Allowing your body to relax and your mind to be ease, bring your attention to your heart. Allow your heart to fill with gratitude and appreciation for yourself. As you breathe deeply through your belly, allow that gratitude to expand within your heart.

Continue breathing through your belly, allowing the energy and love within your heart to expand into your Being and your energy field. Continue breathing allowing this love energy to overflow from your being until it covers the entire planet. Stay in this space with your breath, allowing the love to penetrate the deepest darkest shadows on this planet. Allowing your body to be relaxed and your mind at ease, breathe this love everywhere, benefiting all life everywhere.






Planetary Transmutation Meditation with Susie Beiler Every Sunday at 10am MST

Begin by focusing on your breath, breathing deeply and easily through the belly. Allowing your body to relax and your mind to be ease, bring your attention to your heart. Allow your heart to fill with gratitude and appreciation for yourself. As you breathe deeply through your belly, allow that gratitude to expand within your heart.

Continue breathing through your belly, allowing the energy and love within your heart to expand into your Being and your energy field. Continue breathing allowing this love energy to overflow from your being until it covers the entire planet. Stay in this space with your breath, allowing the love to penetrate the deepest darkest shadows on this planet. Allowing your body to be relaxed and your mind at ease, breathe this love everywhere, benefiting all life everywhere.





New Moon Peace Meditation Sunday, March 10 at 14:45 UTC / Medytacja Pokoju podczas Nowiu Księżyca



Peace Meditation for Syria at the exact time of the new moon Sunday, March 10 at 9:00 am UTC / Medytacja pokoju dla Syrii w dokładnym momencie nowiu księżyca niedziela, 10 marca o godzinie 10:00 w Polsce




Full Moon Meditation Monday, March 25 at 2:45 pm UTC / Medytacja podczas Pełni Księżyca

MEDITATION WITH GODDESS TO NEUTRALIZE NEGATIVE RITUALS Every Tuesday at 5:30pm UTC / Medytacja z Boginią dla zneutralizowania negatywnych rytuałów



EMERGENCY MEDITATION Everyday at 2 pm UTC / Medytacja Sytuacji Nadzwyczajnych

